Chapter 7 : Train Your Body To React Positively

As already firmly established, body language is a very important stubble form of communicating feelings and reactions to the surroundings. Also previously established is the fact that body language can also be manipulated to an advantage or required circumstances.

The Right Way

Here are some areas where one can train or manipulate the body to react in a certain way in order to achieve the desired results.

  • Eye contact – this is an important aspect to be mastered when dealing with people. Ensuring constant eye contact allows the recipient to be assured that there is some level of interest in what is being discussed. Whether feigned or not eye contact is something worth learning to exercise. It also makes the recipient feel more at ease and confident in the situation.
  • Posture is another important body position that dictates not only the actual feeling of tiredness and being drained but also physically causes these feelings to manifest itself. This is due to the hunched or droopy shoulders as well as the hunched positions all contributing to the inhibition of good and deep breathing. This in turn will give the impression of being uncomfortable or nervous.
  • Using the head positions to dictate the perceived body language message is also another effective way of making a situation comfortable or uncomfortable. Tilting the head slightly while talking or listening implies a friendly demeanor while keeping the head ramrod straight and aligned with the back and spine implies seriousness and even annoyance.
  • The all popular crossing of arms clearly indicates disapproval from time beginning. Commonly done from an authoritive position it tells everyone to back off and give the individual space. On the other hand, hands hanging loosely or kept behind the back implies being in control and able to take on anything, which is a good body language to develop to project the desired effects.

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