When you think that some things, people, or places can produce undesirable consequences when you are near them, that’s the result of fear. When you think some things, people, or places can do things that can result to major harm, pain, or even death to you when you are near them, that’s the effect of phobia. Fear can produce an overly self-protective and cautious individual, while extreme phobia can entail feelings of death.
Phobia has an element of fear. Fear per se is not phobia, but it can lead to phobia if it worsens. Unchecked fear, when fed with more imagined dangers, may soon turn into phobia. Most phobias are extreme fears.
Some phobias can haunt us as long as we allow them. Their power over us is entirely dependent on our capacity to handle them. We can give them the power to dictate what is dangerous for us, or we can dominate them to our advantage.