Testimonials are a sure fire way to motivate people to buy what you have for sale with any type of product. You will find that many gas saving devices feature such testimonials from very satisfied consumers. Before you let this make the decision to buy them for you there are a few things you need to know.
While these testimonials may be real, they often don't show the entire story. For example someone may start their testimonial letter out by saying they got an addition 5 miles per gallon from their car as soon as they started using the product. That is a legitimate claim they have made. Yet the company doesn't include all of the information that was provided, jus the part that really gets the attention of the reader.
That letter may have gone on to say how they have gotten their car repaired and tuned up. It can also contain information on how they are driving differently. Those additional factors are likely a big part of what is allowing them to get an addition 5 miles per gallon.
So it isn't just that they started using a particular gas saving device and it make that huge impact for them. There is no way for a consumer to know the rest of the story from what is written. There is nothing you can do about this marketing method either.
Since they aren't lying about what the consumer said they can't be fined or face any repercussions. There is no law that says they have to print the entire testimonial. They just have to be from real people and be in the same words as what was originally written by the person. So
So they can begin with the beginning, middle, or end of a particular testimonial. They take the pieces they want and leave the rest of it. Therefore I caution you to put too much credibility behind the testimonials that are offered for such products.
There may be some truth to them but remember that they only publish what they want you to see in regards to their product. All those letters they get that are complaints never will be part of their advertising either. Those people may get a refund or nothing at all.
You may be able to find the discontent though with various gas saving products by reading information online. People are very willing to share their experiences in such areas with others so that they won't fall into the same trap. This can save you money so pay attention to the information that can be accessed with any search engine.
You also need to understand that what may work well for one vehicle isn't right for another. It is the same concept that applies to products such as medications and even diet pills. There are plenty of people who claim to get results but for the majority of the population they aren't effective enough to make a difference.
This is due to the fact that each vehicle has significant variables. Even the same exact make, model, and year of a vehicle may have different gas mileage associated with it. The way in which the car is cared for and the driving habits of those who use it also have to be taken into consideration.