With gas prices continuing to soar, consumers are looking for every possible way to save money on it. If you take a look at what is offered you will find plenty of different gas saving devices offered. Most of them don't seem to be very effective though. This is quite disheartening when you consider that this is a $25 million industry in 2007 alone.
According to the experts, about 95% of the gas saving products offered don't stand up to the claims they make. They also don't make enough of a difference to justify buying them. That can be extremely disappointing but that is the reality of it. So why do so many consumers continue to buy them?
First, they want to believe they work because they do want to be able to save money on their fuel costs. That is certainly understandable as we have all been affected by the high prices. They also see so many of the products on the market that they assume they must be working or they wouldn't be offered. This is why such products continue to sell at very high rates.
Those are the consumers who aren't taking the time to do their research before they invest in them either. They many end up purchasing several different gas saving products and devices before they finally see the big picture and how ineffective they have been.
They read the testimonials with the products or see the advertisements and decide that is what they need to purchase. They are in a hurry to access it and to benefit from it. Instead they end up losing their money and being disappointed. You should always pursue a refund when such gas saving products fail to give you the results that they advertise.
Some of the research conducted by Popular Mechanics has even proven that a handful of these so called gas saving devices actually end up increasing the amount of fuel that you use. That certainly isn't the type of result you want to get from something like this that you pay for to use in your vehicles.
Therefore consumers really need to take their time choosing such products that are right for them. Take the time to read information online and see what is really going on with them. The information you get from other consumers is going to prove to be extremely valuable to you.
It should carry more weight with you than the business advertisements for such products. These will be honest reviews from real people who have been in your position before. It is quite likely the information they offer will prevent you from making a purchase of that particular gas saving device.
Making a well informed decision before you invest in this type of product is very wise. You don't want to become frustrated or disappointed due to the results you get. It is also a good idea to look for those that offer a money back guarantee. This way you will be able to get your investment back if you aren't 100% satisfied with what you purchase.
There is no argument that everyone needs to do what they can in order to save money on gas right now. But that doesn't necessarily mean buying gas saving products is the way to go. Many consumers have been able to successfully incorporate the concepts of hypermiling to save money without any real investment.
For example, simply changing your driving habits can result in a significant amount of gas being conserved. In the end you will have to decide which gas saving methods are right for you. There are certainly many different choices that you are being offered right now.
From what has been reported from reputable agencies, there aren't really effective gas saving devices and gadgets out there to really help you. There are plenty of in depth reports online about specific products you can read. This is better than buying them and trying them out on your own.
It can be frustrating paying high gas prices but be careful what you get encouraged to buy on the market during this difficult time. Your best bet is going to be to keep your car running properly and improving your driving habits.