How To Practice Qi Gong Effectively
Like any art form qi gong needs to be addressed and practiced with care. The initial excitement of wanting to try qi gong and the idealistic connotations tagged to it may create an over enthusiastic individual who fails to take the time to understand the fundamentals of qi gong.
There are very real risks involved if the individual does not achieve the required state of meditation before the session commences.
Doing It Right
As the main goal of practicing qi gong is to strive to produce a state of qi harmony and a stability that embraces spirit, mind, and body, thus keeping the mind in a peaceful and relaxed state is important.
Here are some suggestions as to the initial levels the focus should be upon:
- In a sitting or standing position, try to find the centre line, meaning the head, spine should be inline. Then move the arms very gently overhead back and forth without disturbing the previously achieved rotted position. All this while strive to stay calm and relaxed. The more acute the state of relaxation the better the results of the qi gong exercise.
- Strange as it may sound, try to focus on one single thought. In qi gong the eyes are encouraged to “follow” the mind’s train of thought. In doing this it is hoped that the pattern of the eyes leading the thoughts while the thoughts build the mind will be formed, bringing light to the mind.
- Keeping the head position in line with the spine while attempting to do some of the set movements is crucial to helping the qi elements flow well.
- Calm the mind by eliminating unbalanced and irrelevant thought patterns. Find the middle balance of the qi. Draw of the positive energies emitted during the qi gong movements.