Another way to improve your memory is to use mnemonic tips and tricks. Mnemonics are gimmicks that help you to learn and retain information in your memory bank. Even though some of the tips and tricks may not be easy to learn, they have been proven to work.
No matter whether you need to remember names, lists or studying for classes, this method can help you to regain and retain your memory. Mnemonics can help to improve your memory and help you to concentrate better.
One of the mnemonic tips you can use to improve your memory is to create an acronym to use for a phrase. Acronyms are created by using the first letter of each line that you are trying to remember. You can also write poems or lyrics to help you remember things.
An example of using mnemonics with acronyms is like this:
With this method, it’s good to do it in small portions. It’s easier for people to remember things such as numbers and letters when they are in small chunks rather than a large conglomerate. The chunks should be no more than seven portions in one setting.
One of the most common ways to employ this method is to use rhymes. One that is used in elementary school for many years is “I before E, except after C”. It is one of the most popular if not the most popular ones that students can relate to.
Another way to improve your memory with mnemonics is to incorporate words in a list by using photos and images. They may not make much sense, but when the story is told, children will be able to understand and memorize what they are learning.
Use simple things such as dog, jump, apple and other related items. Children can relate to them better and quickly grasp what they need to learn. It also helps that they are using these words in a group.
The Loci method is used when you need to remember information such as a report or a speech you’re going to present to an audience. It is a device used in which you pretend that you are in a place that you have been before. Every part of information that you have is connected with a room or whatever is there. So if you were reading Snow White, some portion of the story could be connected to different rooms. So, when you approached it, you would be able to connect each phrase or sentence with the rooms and the storyline.