There are some things that you may forget that should be in your memory at all times. Some things you can write down and read from them. Other information you have to keep in your memory bank because it is very sensitive. You can’t just write them down and put them in your purse somewhere.
For things like that and other information, the chunking technique may be what you need. This technique is used when you are dealing with numbers and letters. If you have quite a bit of numeric information such as a phone number, it can be broken down into a few chunks so you can remember it easier.
It doesn’t require as much energy to think about what you need to remember. You will still be able to remember the phone number, not just at one time. Plus, chunking is an easier technique to deal with.
With chunking, you find certain subjects to relate the numbers to. Then as you think about those subjects, you connect it with the number you are trying to recite. The more you connect and relate to the information, the better chance you have of remembering the numbers. People can create a pattern and use it for other information that they need to remember.
There is more to chunking than just remembering numbers. You can also do it with letters. For instance, if you need to send correspondence to some people whose name starts with the same letter, you can learn to remember the names that start with this letter and that letter of the alphabet.
You can also use it when you are going to the store to get some items. It’s good to use if you know what you are shopping for. Then you can write down the list and put the information in different categories.
That way when you get there, you can go in those designated aisles and get what you need. There are so many people that roam the aisles more than once when they realize that some of the same items are located in the same place.
Unless you know what’s in every aisle by memory, this can be a way that can save you time. You won’t necessarily have to go through the entire store to get what you need.