Even though a healthy diet is good for your heart, it is also good for your mind. You should eat from all of the food groups. That would include:
You will still need water to flush down the food. Water is very important because it keeps you hydrated. Drinking alcohol will dehydrate you and cause you to forget things.
Don’t rely on herbal supplements to provide you with the nutrients that you need to sustain your memory. There have not been any on the market that have proven to do so. A healthy diet is the best way for you to get all of the vitamins and minerals that you need.
You need a healthy brain not only to think, but to keep your memory intact. You need to eat foods that contain antioxidants, such as:
You should also include fish in your diet, such as:
There are Omega-3 fatty acids in fish. Omega-3 fatty acids work to keep your brain functioning properly. Fish also contains healthy fats. These healthy fats can decrease the onset of dementia. Dementia is a form of a memory loss condition that can be devastating.
Foods that have folic acid (a B vitamin) are also good to eat. Folic acid has been known to help with the decrease in memory loss. You will find folic acid in foods such as:
In addition to the above, you should have foods that contain protein, such as lean meats (chicken), eggs and peanut butter. Whatever the combination is, it should be enough that provides you with enough calories so that you can have enough energy to be physically active.
Try to avoid foods that have a lot of saturated fats in them. They will cause your cholesterol level to go sky high. You can eat food that has unsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats. These are better for your system.
It’s been said that olive oil can stop older adults from losing their memory if it’s included in what they eat. Olive oil contains monounsaturated fat. Their memory will stay intact. Plus, this kind of fat is better for them and other people to use.
It blends in with blood and heart vessels. You can get more oxygen and nutrients to your brain. Eventually, the cells would work to keep the memory solid.
It’s important that blood flows continuously through the brain. Olive oil can protect the cells from being damaged and assist with the growth of them. Keep in mind that you should not consume an overload of calories or it can cause you to gain a lot of weight or become obese.
With vitamins, there are some that can help you to help your memory performance. One of those that you can take is B vitamins. If you are not taking this, your memory can suffer. Taking B vitamins has proven to improve your memory and your ability to remember things.
For older adults, they can eat cereals that contain B12. This will help them keep their memory intact. Otherwise, their mindset can go downhill. If you are a vegetarian, you can use the B vitamin as supplement for not having enough in their system. This is usually designed for vegetarians that don’t eat fish, eggs or dairy products.
You can also take vitamins C and E to help your memory stay sharp. Both of these vitamins contain antioxidants that help to relieve some of the stress that is found on the cells of your brain. Free radicals are responsible for the stress that afflicts that area.
Antioxidants work to get rid of the free radicals and can help to improve your memory. Vitamins C and E are known to be safe; however, it is a good idea to consult your physician before taking them.
Magnesium is a mineral that is considered to get rid of stress in the brain. It can help with improving your memory and enhancing your learning skills. This mineral is also used when the muscles contract as well as allowing you to relax.
There are some foods that contain magnesium, such as whole grains, leafy green vegetables, milk and seafood.