Chapter 4 : The first steps in order to make your own perfume

In this chapter of the book we will look at a few simple ways in which you can make your own perfume for next to nothing.

Research has shown that you can actually make a 100 bottles of perfume for less than $300, and then, if you want, sell them for up to $50 each.

Certainly some of the most profitable perfumes that are now available are ones which have not cost much to produce.

Previously when people were looking to produce their own perfume it was very difficult to find the ingredients, along with the packaging (bottles, spray nozzles etc).  But this has all now changed due to the internet and being able to order things online.  Today you will find that you can obtain the ingredients you need at a reasonable price, and have the order sent directly to your home address. 

However, there are some things which you will need to remember before you commence making your own perfume, and some of these are shown below.

  1. You first need to think of a name for your perfume (something catchy so people will remember it).  Now you have the name, you need to design a label (simple artwork would be best).
  2. Next you need to look at what kinds of ingredients you will require, and make a list.
  3. Search for the best types of bottles, lids and pumps that you will need to put your perfume into (spend a little more on this item); you want your perfume to look good.
  4. Next you will need to spend a couple of days choosing your fragrances. It is important that you carry out as much research as possible on any other ingredients that you should use. 
  5. When preparing the ingredients, it is important that you are in a sterile environment before pouring the perfume into the bottles you have chosen and bought.
  6. Finally, look at a way in which you can present the finished product to customers… it may be in a box, or you may find a much more creative way doing this.

As you can see producing your own perfume is a simple process and if it is something you have always considered doing then why not give it a go.

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