Using essential oils to make your own perfume is not only great fun, but also extremely satisfying as well. Also, these natural perfumes can help to enhance a persons good mood, drive away a bad one, help them to relax or even to provide them with some energy. It may even make you feel glamorous, exotic, confident or utterly feminine as well.
The recipes provided below are simple to make and easy to follow, and all you need to do is choose which one you want to try. If you want you could do a search to see which essential oils blend well together and try them instead.
So, by following the simple instructions provided below, you will soon be making your very own aromatherapy perfume.
First, you need a base. It can either be alcohol or a carrier oil (but the best is a mixture of the two together). The best type of alcohol to use is one which is odorless (say vodka) and mix this with Jojoba. Jojoba is particularly good, as it has a long shelf life, and once it is put on the skin, it tends to dry out and leave a wonderful scent behind.
However, jojoba is one of the more expensive carrier oils, and I would suggest you experiment with one of the cheaper ones (such as almond or apricot kernel oil) instead. Then, once you are happy with the product you are producing, you can produce the same product but with jojoba oil instead.
The equipment you will need for making aromatherapy perfume is as follows:-
Now we will provide you with the instructions for producing your first batch of aromatherapy perfume.
The first recipe below is specifically for those women who may suffer from nerves on their wedding day, and will help to feel much more relaxed and calm on their big day.
All you need to make this recipe is:-
The following recipes have been designed to help produce a much more calming effect to the person using them. These perfumes will help to focus you on your inner self, and provide you with a feeling of security, which will promote a feeling of total relaxation.
4 drops of Cedarwood
2 drops of Clary Sage
1 drop of Grapefruit
2 drops of Mandarin
2 drops of Grapefruit
2 drops of Patchouli
1 drop of Rose
3 drops of Vetivert
2 drops of Ylang-Ylang
2 drops of Bergamot
3 drops of Chamomile
2 drops of Marjoram
4 drops of Lavender
3 drops of lavender
3 drops of Neroli
2 drops of Spearmint
The next recipes we are looking at will enhance a person’s mood and feelings of wellbeing. These perfumes will help to relax and surround you with warmth, as well as a feeling of pure luxury for those special nights out or at home with your loved one.
3 drops of Jasmine
3 drops of Neroli
4 drops of Orange
1 drop of Clary Sage
3 drops of Patchouli
2 drops of Rose
4 drops of Rosewood
2 drops of Linden Blossom
3 drops of Lime
2 drops of Neroli
3 drops of Sandalwood
4 drops of Melissa
2 drops of Rose
2 drops of Ylang-Ylang
So now that you have a few recipes to consider, why not go out and purchase some ingredients and equipment today to start making your own aromatherapy perfumes!