It really wasn't as difficult as you envisioned it at first, now was it? When approached probably, herbal gardening is one of the joys of nature. It's relaxing to do -- and provides hours on hours of potential peace and serenity in the growing season.
From basil to chives to sage and thyme, each herb has its own special characteristics, special growing quirks and its specialties on your kitchen table and for healing your body. Each herb, you've discovered, has in effect its own "personality."
I certainly hope you've enjoyed learning about herbs as much as I've enjoyed writing about them. Hopefully, you'll continue on with your new hobby -- I can't see why you wouldn't -- and discover even more about herbs next growing season.
There's always something to learn. After more years than I care to admit growing these fantastic plants, I'm still learning something new everyday about the proper way to water them, harvest them, store them ... or any number of things.
Don't become discouraged if some of your plants fizzled out this year. Certainly don't believe that your thumb isn't green enough to be an herb gardener. It happens to the best of us. It still happens to me to this day.
A certain percentage of herbs just don't seem to make it sometimes. Sometimes we know why -- we've had an extremely rainy summer or we didn't provide for enough drainage. Sometimes though these things just happen -- and leave even the best of gardeners scratching their heads in wonder.
Well, this is where I leave you. But, thankfully you're now surrounded by your herbs. Take care -- and take care of your garden.