Team building will help your team learn how to work well with each other. However, if you aren’t careful, the team may lose morale and this may affect their performance greatly. In this chapter, we examine things that you can do to maintain the teamwork and motivation of the team members.
Fostering good teamwork is an ongoing process; you can’t expect to go through team building programs once and rely on that from this point onwards.
You should ensure that your team isn’t stressed. This can greatly affect their performance and also de-motivate them. You have to give them realistic targets and allow them to get some rest. Pushing your team beyond their limits will just further affect their performance and make them less effective. You can also have stress management seminars to help your team members. Try and strike a fair balance between work, family, rest and socialization to prevent them from being overwhelmed.
Appraisals help in individual and team evaluations. In addition, they help keep the employees motivated to work harder so as to get a good appraisal. Some organizations normally give salary bonuses according to the appraisals so as to challenge every team member to keep working hard. This also acts as a reward system. It shows the team that no contribution goes unnoticed.
Recognition is very important in any team. The team should always get recognition from the management or the leader whenever they excel. If an individual excel the team members can also show each other appreciation and recognition. Small gestures such as, applauding, a pat on the back or simply saying “good work” goes a long way in keeping someone motivated.
Training really helps in helping the team perform better. You can have individual or group training. A team may be working well together but if they lack the necessary competence required for the job, this will still affect their performance in general.
People can’t work well if at all they don’t have a good working environment. They also need all the necessary facilities for their specific jobs. A good working environment isn’t just about the physical components but also the psychological. For instance, the team may have good well equipped offices but if they have a leader who constantly yells, they won’t be able to work effectively.
Good leadership is very important for every team to perform well. A leader should be able to motivate and inspire the team. They should also be able to represent the team effectively to the management.
In addition, the leadership role should be passed on after sometime. It’s not good to have one team with one leader for lengthy periods of time. You can motivate your team members by assigning them some leadership roles.
Try and take part in events and exercises that will help in fostering the team spirit. For instance, if you contest in the organization, participate as a team instead of as individuals. You can also have welfare within the team. This will be for helping the team mates in case of anything even outside work. For example, if someone falls sick, organize to visit them as a team.
Every team members should be treated with respect. It doesn’t matter how small or big their contribution to the team may be. This is what can make or break a team. Trust is also vital to enable the team mates to work together. Without trust, cooperation will be very difficult.
Team building exercises should be carried out from time to time. It’s not enough to have the program done only once for the team.