When considering about purchasing your child a video game system for the holidays don’t overlook the portable systems. They have come a long way and you rarely see a teen or child without one.
The Game Boy Advance has been around for quite a few years, and keeps adding to their collection.
The original Game Boy Advance is no longer available for resale but its games will live on. When Nintendo converted from the original Game Boy to the Game Boy Advance SP they made the original games compatible with the newer version. The graphics may not be as vibrant but are not a waste of money.
Speaking of money the average price for a Game Boy SP is around $70. This price can vary from store to store and what deals are offered with the package.
One of the best modifications to the SP is the built in light. This can be controlled with a button on the system. The original Game Boy did not come with a light and had to be purchased separately.
The Game Boy family recently added a new member to their family, the Game Boy Micro. This is simply a pocket size version of the Game Boy SP. It does not have a flip top screen, but does let you change the faceplates to four different colors. The Micro is also capable of playing any of the Game Boy Advance games that covers over 700 games. With its sleek and stylish portability it can literally fit in the palm of your hand.
All of the Game Boy systems offer a rechargeable lithium-ion battery. This will deliver hours of nonstop game play. It recharges rather quickly.
The Game Boy Micro offers a wireless adapter to allow up to five of your children’s friends to play the compatible multiplayer games without the use of cables. This wireless adapter will only work with Game Boy Micro and Game Boy Advance Game Paks that have been especially designed to use the wireless adapter.
The accessories for the Game Boy advance are what will make your portable different from the rest. The carrying case is what children like best amount the accessories. There are a couple different designs to suit your child’s needs. One is a simple case that carries the Game Boy and a small pocket to carry along a couple of their favorite games. The other carrying case is a little more complex. This also holds your portable system but has extra pockets and zipper compartments for games and headphones. Both cases are light weight and cost under $20. You can also purchase a protective cover for their game. This could be a great investment for those who children like to take their Game Boys with them.
The Game Boy SP has many different colors to offer the children a variety to choose from. They come in colors like:
As stated before the Game Boy Advance comes with a headphone jack. A nice accessory for those wanting complete silence while playing their favorite games.
The headphones do not have to be special headphones. They can be ordinary headphones that plug into any electronic device.
The light system is also able to change from bright to brighter with a push of a button.
The volume control is easily accessible on the side of the Game Boy Advance and slides back and forth with little effort.
The plug in rechargeable adapter is convenient and the Game Boy Advance can be played will recharging. This is great for those in the middle of the game when the battery starts to go low. You simply plug the adapter into the wall and continue on playing. The green indicator light will alert you when the charging is complete.
Many Game Boy Advance SPs can be purchased as a bundle or separately. Many retail stores will offer certain games included in the package price. This type of deal will cost a little bit more than purchasing a system alone.
Below is a list of the top ten Game Boy Advance games available. These games are compatible with the Game Boy Advance SP, Game Boy Micro, and Nintendo DS.
As Game Boy Advance keeps intriguing many children with their wide selection of games and newer version of the system, this portable gaming system could be the hottest and longest portable on the market.